Service Recap - 11/7 - 11/8/15 - Fellowship Bible Church

For our third weekend of our Rebuild series, Pastor Joe shared about our internal resistance to having our hearts devoted to the Lord. He talked about the value of the daily practices of repentance, dependence, and obedience in rebuilding a heart for God, and being available for His working in us.

Here are our songs from this weekend:

Pre-Service - "Hail the King" [Zach Bolen, Brian Eichelberger of Citizens & Saints]
"Sing to the King" [Charles Sylvester Horne, Billy Foote]
"How Can It Be" [Jeff Johnson, Jason Ingram, Paul Mabury, as sung by Lauren Daigle]
"Jesus Take All of Me (Just As I Am)" [Charlotte Elliot, Brenton Brown]

It was a great weekend, as we celebrated the Lord's Supper together and looked at the condition of our hearts for God. We sang "How Can It Be" (sung by Lauren Daigle) again, which is one of my favorite newer songs that I have heard. It is an honest and thankful song of worship, looking at all the Lord has done for our redemption and to bring us to Himself, despite all of our sin. He is so good to us. For the Lord's Supper and the response time, we sang "Jesus Take All of Me (Just As I Am)," which is Brenton Brown's modern arrangement of one of my favorite hymns, "Just As I Am." I love the beautiful image of coming to Jesus with nothing but our sin and Him accepting us based on Himself and His work for us. Our salvation is not dependent on us, but on our gracious heavenly Father. He has done great things for us!

I hope you had a great weekend of worship, too!

In the Son,


Songs We Sing - 09/05 - 09/06/15 - Fellowship Bible Church

This week our Discipleship Pastor, David Hinkle, preached about how we are the light of Christ because we have the light of Christ, and how we shine brighter together. It was a call to community and doing life together with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Here's what we sang together this weekend:

Pre-Service - "Absent From Flesh" [Isaac Watts, arr. by Jamie Barnes of Sojourn]
"Sing to the King" [Charles Sylvester Horne, Billy Foote]
Communion - "Man of Sorrows (In My Place)" [Philip Paul Bliss, Bill Horn]
"He is Jesus" [Heath Balltzglier, Matthew Melton, Steve Fee]
"Shine" [Matt Redman]
Post-Service - "Great Are You Lord" [Leslie Jordan, David Leonard, Jason Ingram]

We had a great weekend of worship together. We sang a lot of music! For our countdown, we sang the arrangement of Isaac Watts' hymn "Absent From Flesh" by Jamie Barnes, which is a great lyric and a blast to sing and play. "Sing to the King" is one of our church's staples. "Man of Sorrows (In My Place)" is an arrangement I just finished, of one of my favorite hymns, and this was our first time singing it together. I look forward to sharpening it as we continue to sing it together. I hadn't noticed before working on it, but this hymn is by the man who wrote the familiar music for Horatio Spafford's "It Is Well With My Soul." We brought back "He is Jesus" after a week off as we continued to teach it to our congregation, and it continues to be a great song for us. We finished our services with a send-off of "Shine" by Matt Redman, which tied directly with David's message. After our services, we played out with "Great Are You Lord."

In all, it was a fantastic weekend. Our team does such a fantastic job, and it's a joy to serve the church and to make music together to point people to Jesus!

I hope you had a great weekend of worship, and have a great Labor Day!

in the Son,



Songs We Sing, 01/26 - 01/27/13 - Fellowship Bible Church

This weekend, we continued in the second week of our series through 2 Corinthians-- "Purpose In Christ." Joe shared about growing in forgiveness, and how forgiveness can be the demonstration of the victory that Christ has over sin. You can listen to or watch the entire message and service here. Here's our service plan from this weekend:

Welcome "In Tenderness" (G) [W. Spencer Walton, Adoniram J. Gordon, Nate Garvey, arr. by Citizens] "Sing to the King" (D) [Charles Sylvester Horne, Billy James Foote] Greeting Time/Announcements Message - "Purpose In Christ - Forgiveness" [Joe Hishmeh] "Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)" (E) [Louie Giglio, Chris Tomlin, John Newton, Edwin O. Excell, John P. Rees] "Forever Reign" (A) [Reuben Morgan, Jason Ingram] "You Have Overcome" (A) [Bill Horn, Erik Oldberg] Dismissal

Thoughts: This was a great weekend. Joe's message was very powerful and challenging, our team led well, and the church was very engaged. Becky Tindell returned to co-lead after her maternity leave, and it was great to have her back. The entire worship team locked in really well and it was a solid weekend musically. I love the songs that we sang this weekend, and I felt like there was a good balance of both energetic songs and reflective songs. Also, our tech team did a great job, with three volunteers running sound, video, and MediaShout for the first time solo. It is really amazing to see how our team is growing and developing. God continues to bring people who have a passion to accomplish the mission of our church together, for which I am extremely grateful. God is doing some great things here, and I truly believe our best days are ahead of us.

Thanks for reading and being a part of this with me!

- Bill


What were your thoughts or experiences from your worship gathering this weekend?

Set List, 08/18 - 08/19/12 - Fellowship Bible Church

This week our family pastor, Brian Tryhus, shared some biblical wisdom regarding parenting, as we continued our fourth week in our series called "Can You Relate?". In his message, Brian called us to be intentional at every opportunity with our parenting. He challenged us to the standard that Moses communicated with the Hebrew people in Deuteronomy 6:4-9, calling us to make it personal, to fight for the heart of our children, to imagine the end (know where we want to see our kids in the end), to create a rhythm, and to widen the circle (inviting others that we trust to be a part of influencing our kids). These concepts have been adapted from a great book, Parenting Beyond Your Capacity by Reggie Joiner and Carey Nieuwhof. You can listen to or watch the entire message and service here. For our singing this week, we focused on the redemption and the future that we have because of Christ. Just as the people of Israel, we walk most closely with the Lord when we remember what He has done for us, and live in response to that.

Here's our service plan from this weekend:

"Sing To The King" (E) [Billy Foote, Charles Sylvester Horne] Welcome/Greeting Time Call To Worship/Confession "Hallelujah To My King" (C) [Brenton Brown, Paul Baloche] "One Thing Remains (Your Love Never Fails)" (Bb) [Brian Johnson, Jeremy Riddle, Christa Black] "Your Great Name" (Bb) [Michael Neale, Krissy Nordhoff] Message - "Can You Relate? - Parenting" [Brian Tryhus] Offering Intro "10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)" (G) [Jonas Myrin, Matt Redman] Announcements/Dismissal

"Sing To The King" - This was our opening song this week, setting the stage for the service for us by focusing on the redemption, the future, and the victory that is in Christ. He has bought us with His precious blood, and we are His. All we are, and all we have is His. He is worthy of our everything. Sarah Oldberg did an awesome job leading on this one, as always.

"Hallelujah To My King" - After our time of reflection and confession, we continued with this song. This is another song along the lines of "Sing to the King," in that it recalls the finished work of Christ and the future hope that we have because of it. As John says in 1 John 3:3, everyone who has this hope purifies himself. Sarah led us on this song as well, and singing it in the key of C rather than the key of E or F gave it a very different feel, and it was great to hear the ladies singing out so well along with Sarah.

"One Thing Remains (Your Love Never Fails)" - This was the second week of teaching this song to our congregation. I think it really connecting with many people in our congregation. I love the message of this song, as it inspires our confidence in the Lord and what He has done for us. He, and His love, never fails! I think this is another song that will be a part of our regular worship vocabulary here at Fellowship, because it is something we need to believe, sing, and remember.

"Your Great Name" - This was the last song we sang before the message, and it remains one of our congregation's favorite songs. I love how powerfully it exalts the name of Jesus. We sang this because it focuses on who Jesus is and what He has done, and continues to do, for us. He is good, and He is worthy of all praise.

"10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)" - This was our response song this week, and it was a great fit with the focus of the message. As I said earlier, it is easier for us to follow closely with the Lord when we remember who He is and all He has done and is going to do. He is with us, and we can trust Him with everything we are. I love how the church sings out together on this one.

This weekend was as great weekend of worship. The team did a solid job, and Jesus was the focus of it all, which is the way it should be. We had two of our NextGen team members, Chandler Klamm and Hannah Deardorff, playing with us, and they did a great job. I am so proud of our NextGen team and the leadership that their director, Erik Oldberg, is giving them. God is doing great things in our young people here at Fellowship! God is so good, and it is awesome to be a part of His working and moving in our church. I know that our best days are ahead of us!

I hope you had a great weekend of worship wherever you were!

What were your thoughts or experiences on your worship experience from this weekend?

p.s. don't forget to check out The Worship Community!

Set List, 11/19 - 11/20/11 Fellowship Bible Church

This weekend, we focused on John 19:28 - 20:31, examining the resurrection of Jesus. After reading through the passage, Pastor Joe dealt with some of the arguments for and against the resurrection, and then ended with call to a response of faith and belief in the resurrection. Because of Christ's resurrection, we can have hope and eternal life. The resurrection is "the summit of the gospel," whereas the cross is the center of the gospel. You can listen to the entire message here. Here's our service plan from this weekend:

Time of Preparation/Prayer "Jesus You" (E) [original] Welcome/Greeting Time Call to Worship - Psalm 40:1-3 "Sing To The King" (E) [Billy Foote, Charles Sylvester Horne] "Salvation Is Here" (Bb) [Joel Houston] "Stronger" (Bb) [Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan] "Jesus Paid It All" (Bb) [Alex Nifong, Elvina M. Hall, John Thomas Grape] Prayer Message - John 19:38 - 20:31 - "The Resurrection" [Joe Hishmeh] Response Time Offering/Video/Announcements "Christ Is Risen" (Gb) [Matt Maher, Mia Fieldes] Dismissal

"Jesus You" - We opened our preparation time with this song. We have done this a few times for the preparation time, and it was particularly fitting for this weekend. We incorporated more of the band this time, but still kept it a little more laid back than my original arrangement. This song helped to point us in the right direction for our services.

"Sing To The King" - Sarah Oldberg led us on this song. I love the powerful declaration of this song. Sarah and the band did an awesome job on this one, and the church engaged in celebrating and looking forward to Christ's victorious return. Our risen Lord is coming again. We can rejoice because of this fact, and this song helps us to do just that. Although we haven't sung this song very often, our congregation still seems to connect well with it. I look forward to singing it again.

"Salvation Is Here" - Our church had not sung this song much in the past, and when I was preparing for this weekend, I thought it would be a great fit because of the bridge, which sings, "Salvation is here/ Salvation is here and He lives in me/ Salvation is here/ 'Cause You are alive and You live in me." I could tell it was unfamiliar to much of our congregation, but they sang it, and I think they will sing it more when they have more time with it. I love the chorus of this song, as it builds my confidence in what Christ has done and in His Word: "I know my God saved the day/ And I know His Word never fails/ And I know my God made a way for me/ Salvation is here."

"Stronger" - This song is still fresh for me, and I really value how it expresses the gospel message. I like the unique expression of the chorus, when it sings, "You are stronger, You are stronger/ Sin is broken, You have saved me/ It is written Christ is risen/ Jesus, You are Lord of all." It captures so many truths of scripture in a few simple phrases. Beautiful. This song helped us to turn the corner to singing more specifically about the resurrection and what Christ accomplished by it.

"Jesus Paid It All" - This hymn remains another one of my favorites. The additional chorus by Alex Nifong is a simple and beautiful expression of praise to Christ because of the gospel. I invited our congregation to lift their hands to exalt our God  and Savior. It was a powerful part of the service this weekend, and one of my personal highlights, as the church participated well on it.

"Christ Is Risen" - After a message about Christ's resurrection, I think it was a perfect song to respond with. I love how this song declares the victory of Christ over sin and death. It moves me and encourages me as we sing it together. Although our church has only sung it together one weekend before, we are singing it well together.

This was a great weekend of worshiping the risen Christ. Jesus was lifted high and exalted for who He is and what He has done. We tried some different things with the leading of the songs, with Sarah and I trading off verses on a few of the songs ("Stronger" and "Jesus Paid It All"), and I liked how that pulled both the ladies and the men into singing the melody together. I am so thankful to be a part of this team and this church. God is faithful. May we all live a life that reflects the reality that Jesus is no longer in the grave. He is alive!

I hope you had a great weekend of worship wherever you were.

In the Son,


p.s. don't forget to check out The Worship Community!