Songs We Sing, 10/05 - 10/06/13 - Fellowship Bible Church

This weekend, our lead pastor, Joe Hishmeh, continued in our sixth week of our series, "Deep and Wide," and shared how the Jesus multiplies whatever we bring to Him. If we offer Him nothing, zero multiplied by anything is still zero. When we offer even what we think is the smallest thing to Him, it becomes great than we could ever have imagined. You can listen to or watch the entire message and service here. Here's our service plan from this weekend:

Countdown Song - "Follow You" (G) [Ben Rector] Video - T.E.A.M. - Brent Preston "Before The Throne" (A) [Charitie Lees Bancroft, The Modern Post] "Hosanna" (E) [Brooke Ligertwood] Greeting Time Video - Administrative and Support Ministries - J.D. Holt Announcements/Offering Communion Communion Song - "In My Place" (A) [Michael Bleecker, Matt Boswell] / "Nothing But The Blood" (A) [Robert Lowry] Message - "Deep & Wide: A Follower of Jesus... Multiplies" [Joe Hishmeh] Elder-led Prayer - Jeff Vogel "Your Great Name" (Bb) [Michael Neale, Krissy Nordhoff] Dismissal

Thoughts: This weekend was 

For our singing this weekend, we sang songs that celebrated how our life and salvation are completely dependent on the redeeming power of Jesus for us ["Before The Throne," "In My Place," "Nothing But The Blood," "Your Great Name"]. We also sang "Hosanna," which calls us to laying our lives down for the kingdom of God as we look toward His return. We opened our services this week with Ben Rector's "Follow You" in the countdown, and it is a fun and hopeful song that calls us into the joy of laying down our burdens and following Christ.

- Bill

What were your thoughts or experiences from your worship gathering this weekend?

Songs We Sing, 04/06 - 04/07/13 - Fellowship Bible Church

For our final week of our 2 Corinthians series - "Purpose In Christ," our pastor, Joe Hishmeh, preached through 2 Corinthians 13, and taught about how believers can pursue peace with one another through "rejoicing, restoring, reaffirming, reuniting, and reconciling." It was a great challenge to each of us to pursue health in our relationships. You can listen to or watch the entire message and service here. Here's our service plan from this weekend:

Welcome/Call to Worship - Ephesians 2:4ff "In Tenderness" (G) [Adoniram J. Gordan, W. Spencer Walton, arr. by Citizens] Greeting Time/Announcements Message - "Purpose In Christ, pt. 11" [Joe Hishmeh] Communion "In My Place" (G) [Michael Bleecker, Matt Boswell] "Son of God" (G) [Jon Neufeld, Tim Neufeld, Ed Cash, and Gordon Cochran] "Our God" (G) [Jonas Myrin, Jesse Reeves, Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin] Dismissal

Thoughts: This was a good weekend. Our team did a great job, and the church engaged well in each of our worship experiences. Lindsay Kraisinger and Heidi Carlson did a great job leading "In My Place" during communion, which was a beautiful moment. Kip Kraisinger did a great job co-leading on several of the songs, as well. It was great to have a few people to share the leading load this weekend, especially since I was fending off strep throat (which my wife had) the whole weekend. My immune system finally gave in Sunday afternoon, but I'm glad to have gotten through the weekend without too much trouble. Now, it's time for some rest.

- Bill

What were your thoughts or experiences from your worship gathering this weekend?

Set List, 02/04 - 02/05/12 Fellowship Bible Church

This weekend, we continued our Romans series, and focused on Romans 5:1-10. In his message, Joe shared about what the life of a believer looks like because of what Christ has done. He talked about how we are now reconciled to God, and as a result we have peace and rest with Him. You can listen to the entire message here. Because of the focus of Joe's message, we emphasized our new standing with God because of His great love for us. We have hope and life because of Him. Here's our service plan from this weekend:

Time of Preparation/Prayer "Jesus You" (E) [Bill Horn] Welcome/Greeting Time Call To Worship - Psalm 33:1ff "Your Grace Is Enough" (G) [Matt Maher] "I Stand Amazed" (G) [Charles H. Gabriel] "Because Of Your Love" (G) [Phil Wickham] Message - "Romans 5:1-10" [Joe Hishmeh] Communion Song - "In My Place" (Eb) [Michael Bleecker, Matt Boswell] "Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)" (Eb) [Edwin O. Excell, John Newton, Louie Giglio, John P. Rees, Chris Tomlin] Offering/Announcements Dismissal

"Jesus You" - We sang this song as our preparation song this weekend, because it was written partially from chapter 5 of Romans. The certain hope that we have because of what Jesus has accomplished on our behalf is the focus of this section of Romans and is also the ultimate focus of this song.

"Your Grace Is Enough" - This song remains a staple for us at Fellowship. We don't sing it as often as maybe we once did, but it is a great song of celebration as we express our confidence in the finished work of Christ on our behalf. His grace is sufficient for us, and we look nowhere else for our salvation. Jesus is the one who has saved us; we did not save ourselves.

"I Stand Amazed" - This song was fitting for this weekend, because it points to our previous status of condemnation before God, our redemption through the work of Christ, and the future hope we have when Christ returns. Our church sings this song well. We may have set the click a little fast early in the weekend, but it was still a great song with which to celebrate our Savior's great and marvelous love for us.

"Because Of Your Love" - I love how this song declares that living our lives for God's glory is the fitting response to what He has done for us through the cross. We only have true life because of what Christ has accomplished for us. He endured our pain and our penalty in our place as our substitute, giving His life up selflessly, and now we can give our own lives selflessly for Him and for others.

"In My Place" - This was a new song that wanted to introduce for our communion time this weekend. I have been listening to this song for the past year or two, and I finally found my opportunity to introduce it here at Fellowship. I love the lyrical focus and the beauty of this song about the cross. We brought it down from G to Eb, and I think it was much more singable for our congregation in that range. I'm still not sold on whether this song could work in our setting for a congregational song, because there are lot of implied notes that the melody pulls out, such as starting on a major 7 (G)of the chord that the rest of the band is playing (Ab). I think it will still be at least a fantastic communion and preparation song in the future. We'll see how else we can use it. Here's the lyric:

"In My Place" Michael Bleecker, Matt Boswell

In my place He stood condemned He who knew no sin Became sin for us That we might become His righteousness

Bearing all my sin and shame The punishment and blame He conquered the grave That we might become the heirs of grace

In my place, Jesus died The spotless Lamb laid down His life The wrath of God was satisfied In my place, Jesus died

Nail-pierced hands, bleeding side, His body bruised, my God crucified Crown of thorns, dying cries, His flesh was torn, my God crucified

Hallelujah, what a Savior! Hallelujah, what a Savior! Hallelujah, what a Savior! Hallelujah, what a Savior!

CCLI # 5181287 

"Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)" - This was our response song this weekend. This is another great song that we haven't done very often, and it was a great fit for this weekend. I love singing of our chains being gone and of our newfound freedom in Christ.

On a side note, my wife and I were talking about 2 Chronicles 20 this weekend, and how God called Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah to merely stand before their enemies, who were on their doorstep and about to attack. The people of God went out to face their attackers, and they worshiped the Lord. As they did, God won the victory for them, and their enemies destroyed themselves without the people of Judah lifting a finger against them. They merely trusted in the Lord, and He fought for them. In this passage, there is an interesting correlation between worship and prayer and trusting in the Lord. Really, when we are doing the first two things sincerely and with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, it is because we are also trusting God. When we depend and trust in Him, we get the opportunity to see Him move in powerful ways, and He gets all the glory. I pray that we, as the people of God through Christ Jesus, would trust in the Lord so completely that our worship and prayer together would reflect that. He is worthy of our trust, and He is worthy of our worship--ALL of it.

This weekend was a great time of celebrating the life, hope, and peace that we have because of Christ, and then celebrating through communion together as well. Praise God for the love that led Jesus to the cross in our place to save us!

I hope you had a great weekend of worship wherever you were!

In the Son, Bill

p.s. don't forget to check out The Worship Community!